Home General gift ideas Finger Food Ideas for Children’s Birthday Parties

Finger Food Ideas for Children’s Birthday Parties

Choosing the right food for your children’s party can reduce accidents and cleaning up time.

Children’s Birthday Party Ideas – Finger Food

Dinner parties are for (some) adults – not for children. Finger food is best for children’s parties – less mess and no utensils to worry about. They can use paper plates or even paper napkins or paper towels. I always found it easiest to remove all chairs so they can all stand around the table, put the food in the middle of the table with a generous border around the edge to avoid spills and give them room to stand and eat there if they choose.

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When you’re ready, tell them food is ready and give each child their paper plate/napkin as they approach the table and tell them clearly where they can and can’t eat eg. at the table, or take it outside and drop your crumbs on the grass. It’s best if they can walk right around the table, and talk to each other across it than to have it cafeteria style against the wall.

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  1. Have lots of finger food, nothing too messy, nothing that needs utensils.
  2. Cut up apples, carrot sticks, cherry tomatoes are quick, easy and good for them.
  3. Cut sandwiches small – one or two bites – with filling that doesn’t fall out. Triangles taste better than squares. Or try some fun cutout shapes (see adverts on the right)
  4. To save mess and concerns about cutting a cake into equal sizes, make cupcakes and give them one iced cupcake (with a smartie or other decoration on top) each. Great for large groups, picnics and if sending to school. Teachers will love you if you provide this rather than a large cake to be shared (Make sure you provide a couple of extra cakes just in case).
  5. If you want jelly or other deserts, make lots of individual servings in disposable cups – half full and add a dollop of ice-cream or custard – to save time serving restless children.

Relax, it’s just another birthday party and the kids are more interested in each other than your cooking, cleaning or entertaining skills. Invite a few of your friends, have a chat and let the kids get on with it.